
Exciting things in 2010

This year has started out great!  We spent a lot of our Christmas break getting ready for little mans big arrival in a few months (by spring break I will be too big to do much) and it was a family affair getting the nursery ready.  It has been fun and I am getting more and more excited every week.

We got some great news this morning.  Since my 20 week ultrasound we have been keeping watch on his kidneys as there was some dilation, and it has continued....until today!  We went for our last visit with the parinatologist and he said that everything looks good, he is a healthy little boy, and we don't need to go back to see him again.  It is such a huge answer to prayers. :-) Little buddy is growing more and more every week.  He unfortunately has a big head that makes me a little nervous, but apparently it runs in the family.  We are told he is in the 74th percentile right now and weighs about 3 lbs 10 oz.  He is going to be a big boy.  Can't wait to meet him!!  Only 11 weeks to go.

1 comment:

Paul and Mandy Winn said...

We are so happy to hear his kidneys corrected themselves! Praise God!