
A little bit of this and that

We have had a wonderful January and have really been enjoying the weather outside.  We have gone to a few different parks, the zoo, played in our backyard, and yesterday we went swimming at the timeshare in Scottsdale.  (It was a little cold, but we survived!)

We have transitioned B to his big boy bed, a little on accident.  He decided a few weeks ago that he was scared and didn't want to sleep anymore.  Jason and I take turns sitting and even sleeping on the floor just so the child will sleep.  I had been reading on transitioning kids to big beds and one person recommended that we put the bed in his room to get used to the idea of the big bed.  Jason thought it was a great ideas since these days he does most of the floor sleeping and at least he could have a bed to lay in.  So we moved the bed into his room and let him sit on it and we read stories in it before bed.  One night Jason came out and Brayden fell asleep during stories.  I was a little freaked out leaving him there since I was not mentally prepared. ha!  The next day when he was going down for his nap as we were going into his room he said "no crib mommy, new bed". Really? I guess.  Well I sat in there the entire 3 hours he slept reading out of fear of him falling out.  (yes, I am a little paranoid about it!) Then the same thing that night.  I didn't sleep in there but I sure checked on him A LOT!!!! He got more sleep then I did.  We are now on day 8.  He has days were he just wants to play and thinks it is funny to get in and out and some days he goes right to sleep.  So far when he wakes up he stays in bed calling for me until I come.  This morning I called back and said "mommy doesn't want to get up", so he replied "Brayen comin" and ran his cute little self to our room.  Man, I love that boy..... I could just kiss him all the time, and I usually do!!!  Picture time, enjoy!

Best time to go to the zoo 3-5 pm , you get to see a lot of animal because they are waiting or being fed!

 Fell asleep in his big brother bed or a B calls it "new bed"

Fell asleep mid lunch. (it is hard to see, but he has a piece of pizza in each hand, poor guy)

 First nap in his new bed

Splash pad at the timeshare, crazy that it is only Jan 29

"Daddy race, set go!"  His favorite thing to do with daddy outside and inside"

I was so good with taking these picture with B every 5 week, I don't know what my deal has been.  So I figured that I hit the 25 week mark maybe I can do it the last 15 weeks, it's only 3 pictures.

This is what I looked like at 25 with B

I guess the belly is about the same, but the rest of me is a bit bigger this time, yuck!! Actually I feel a lot wider this time and I think B stayed more round and bubbly.  I don't know.  Anyway it is fun to compare, right?! :-)


Fun in the Snow

After Christmas we headed up north to Pinetop with the Bolkema family.  Brayden saw leftover snow when we were in Vail this summer and it was patchy, so this was his first real experience in the snow, and he loved it. Kinda! :-)  He wanted to play in it, he asked to "build snowman", and he was all ready to go sledding.  We would bundle him up, He would play in the snow for 10 minutes, get cold, and be "all dun mommy".  OK!  We build a snowman, he help the first 5 and last 10 when he was getting his face and clothes.  We walked up to a hill to sled, he went down one time saying "WEEEEEE" a little unconvincingly and then "Mommy, all dun fun!" But we went swimming, went on walks, and made a gingerbread house with Grandma. I know he is one and hey, we just kept trying! :-)  It was a fun family adventure and tried to stay as busy as possible between naps and bedtime.