
I Love December

This month is always my favorite part of the year.  I love how everyone seems to be so much happier and cheerful as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Plus I am a huge fan of Christmas cards and letters. :-) 

Jason and I went to the Phx Zoolights on the 17th to celebrate our engagement.  We went to the same spot that he proposed and had a great evening together. It blows my mind that last year at this time I was just starting the planning of our wedding and now I am planning on what color to paint the nursery. I love it and am so excite
d to see what the next few months and years bring.  This will be our first and last Christmas as just a married couple. after this year we will be a family.  I am looking even more forward to all the craziness of having our baby boy with us next year and bringing him with us to zoolights.

December 17, 2008

December 17, 2009

I had my monthly appointment a few weeks ago and he has a very strong heartbeat and is growing quickly.  I was 23 weeks and 4 days when I went and out little man was measuring 26 weeks.  This doesn't surprise us much, but it makes me a little concerned. :-)  I have another ultrasound on the 8th of January to check his kidneys and my placenta one more time.  Hopefully both with have corrected themselves and we can get rid of any more worries.  The best part of their concern is that I keep getting to have ultrasounds, I love watching him move and wiggle inside me, it truly is amazing. 

We are now into our 25th week and getting more and more excited by the day, I can't wait to meet him.  We have also done our hospital tour which gave me crazy dreams for a few days, but we are now informed and ready on the day we need to show up.  Our parenting preperation class starts in January and I am sure those will make my dreams really weird, I am not sure I am ready for those videos. :-)

Until next month......



A Baby Story...Chapter 1

Our Journey together began on July 26, 2008 at Zach and Nicole Hache's wedding. In one year, we met, fell in love, got engaged, and had the wedding of our dreams. One year later on July 26, 2009 we had gone grocery shopping and I had a funny feeling and told Jason we should buy a test to know for sure. Little did we know that there was a bigger plan for us. Our one year anniversary dinner celebration quickly turned into much more of a celebration than we had planned on.
A very happy daddy to be

The only response I figured was appropriate
And now we will watch our baby (and my belly) grow

It's a BOY!

Due April 3, 2010
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First comes LOVE,

Then comes MARRIAGE,
Then comes BABY...........

And now a BLOG!

I will do my best to keep this up-to-date and entertaining, but I make no promises!!Posted by Picasa